Although everyone knows the importance of clean, bacteria free water, not everyone is happy about adding lots of chemicals. It may be that you or your family react badly to chlorine or bromine or perhaps you don’t agree with polluting the environment when emptying your hot tub. Whatever your reasons, there are some pretty good alternatives on the market that will do a great job of sanitising the water without causing harm to people, plants or animals.
Consider using Spa Marvel Cleanser to penetrate deep inside your hot tub’s plumbing to remove any contaminants that may be lingering. It can also be used on a brand new hot tub or spa to remove any residues such as oils or waxes left over from the manufacturing process.
It’s also vital to keep your filter clean and this can also be done without harmful chemicals. Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner can be used to ensure your filter is doing it’s job correctly. Simply remove the filter and soak for the recommended time in the cleaner. Once the cleaner has done its job, it’s vital that all the debris is removed from the pleats by thoroughly spraying with either a pressure washer, or if you don’t have access to one of those then perhaps the spay at a coin operated car wash instead.
If your hot tub or spa is suffering from cloudy, scummy or oily water then it would benefit from the addition of Aquasafe Natural Clarifier. It is non toxic to any living creature but can successfully remove oil and dirt from the water which will keep your filter clean for longer. Use weekly to maintain clear and clean water or twice a week if your hot tub or spa has heavy use.